485,343 minor-aged children have entered the U.S. through America’s southern border as of Jan 2024 under the Biden administration. The number climbs hourly, 24/7.All of these children have come in unaccompanied, without their real parents. When this happens, these children are often being trafficked by Mexican cartels and many are missing in the United States.

The death and disappearance of migrants is at 1,700 since Oct 21 - Jan 24.

Along the way many of these men, women and children are victims of sexual assault, robbery and abduction by criminal gangs on both sides of the border. Most of the migrants end up stuck in brutal indentured servitude, having to pay back Mexican cartels and Central American gangs, often for life. Many become financially trapped in the labor, sex, and rape slave trades. 

Help us to succeed in bringing this enormous crime wave into the light for the safety of every American citizen. There is a much better way for people to come to the American dream, and it won’t result in the nightmare of slavery, torture and death. Legal immigration saves lives and powers dreams.

unaccompanied children

There is a solution.

No Greater Love Foundation, Inc. a non-profit organization is educating millions of Americans daily about the truth of open borders. We are providing detailed briefings to leaders and fellow citizens about what is happening in Mexico, at the border, and now impacting all Americans in every state across the country. Our goal is to help every American to understand that border security is paramount to national security and public safety. Regardless of opinions on illegal immigration, border security is the key to our nation’s safety and a necessary aspect for public safety. 

Donate now to help solve the problem.

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Other ways to help

Whenever you book your travel through our site, a percentage of the booking will help stop human trafficking. It’s a simple yet impactful way to support the cause. Imagine the positive change you can bring about with your travels. We invite all our friends and sponsors to consider using this tool for a minimum of four trips over the next 12 months. By doing so, you can now make a direct impact on our mission.